Does Medicare Pay for MRI?
If your doctor recommends an MRI scan to examine or diagnose a medical issue, you’re going to want to know whether the cost of the scan will be covered by Medicare. MRI scans can cost an average of $2,611 in the U.S., so you don’t want to be stuck paying out of pocket. Fortunately, Medicare has been […]
Does Medicare Cover Colonoscopy?
If you’ve been told by your doctor that you may be at high risk for colorectal cancer, or if you’re approaching an age at which screenings for colon cancer are recommended, then you may be wondering whether or not your Medicare plan will cover a colonoscopy. The good news is that many colonoscopies are covered by Medicare […]
Does Medicare Cover Shingles?
Shingles is a viral disease that affects around 1 million people each year in the U.S. Although it can affect people at any stage of life, it’s most common in people over 50. Since shingles can be more painful the older you get, many Medicare recipients want to know if they’re covered for the shingles vaccine, which […]